15 November 2021

Channel 3 joined forces with CONNEXT ED Foundation includes government, civil society and 44 private sectors to promote education development towards sustainability

On 11 November 2021, the CONNEXT ED Foundation by General Dapong Rattanasuwan, the Honorary President, organized the meeting “The collaboration approach in the promotion of Thai Education in the year 2021” through online conference. At the event, the representative from government, civil society and private sectors, includes BEC World Public Company Limited by Mr. Charkrit Direkwattanachai, EVP-Corporate Affairs and Communications Office, one of the 44 private organizations exchanged their views and the execution to promote education development towards sustainability. On this occasion, the Foundation also welcomed 13 new partners as the third phase. Currently, the Foundation has 44 private organizations which include 12 founding members, 19 members from Phase 2 and 13 new members. Channel 3 and BEC Group will apply our potentials and long-term experience as media organization to promote CONNEXT ED Foundation to enhance Thai education sustainably.

The Foundation continues to achieve its objective of developing Thai education sustainably in line with the 5 key strategies which are (1) Transparency (2) Market Mechanism (3) High Quality Principals and Teachers (4) Child Centric and Curriculum (5) Digital Infrastructures.

In addition, the Foundation requests financial support for the project “Notebook for Education on Crowdfunding” to provide Notebook for disadvantaged children in CONNEXT ED’s schools to support their education. Organizations/participants feel free to make donations via CONNEXTED.ORG website.