Social Activities
24 July 2024

นักแสดงช่อง 3 ร่วมงานสภาสังคมสงเคราะห์แห่งประเทศไทย ในพระบรมราชูปถัมภ์ “การจัดงานวันแม่แห่งชาติ ประจำปี 2567”

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Social Activities
27 May 2024

BEC Volunteer Staff Planted Mangrove Trees to Boost Ecosystem

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Social Activities
16 May 2024

Channel 3 achieved success in “BEC Gets Active …. Badminton Camp” activity

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Social Activities
09 May 2024

Channel 3 Supports Projects for Youth

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Social Activities
18 April 2024

Channel 3 organized sporting activity under the “BEC Gets Active” Campaign

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Social Activities
28 March 2024

Channel 3 Celebrities and Anchors Call for Blood Donation

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Social Activities
26 March 2024

BEC World Lighted Out Its Building During the World Earth Hour

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Social Activities
29 February 2024

Channel 3 organized “Ecolife” Project to create a better society and environment

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Social Activities
06 February 2024

Time The Series Actors Volunteered to Raise Fund on Thai Veterans Day

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Social Activities
06 February 2024

BEC and Search Handed Over Channel 3 Chinese Calendar to Thai Red Cross

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Social Activities
25 January 2024

BEC Celebrities Helped Rasing Fund for Ramathibodi Hospital

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Social Activities
21 December 2023

Channel 3 Celebrities Joined Thai Red Cross Fair

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