Ms. Sudaporn Trongpanich

Ms. Sudaporn Trongpanich

VP - Information Technology


49 years

Being appointed on

1 January 2023


  • Master of Science, Kasertsart University
  • Bachelor of Science, in Computer Science, Siam University

Training Program

Courses organized by The Thai Institute of Directors Association (IOD) and other institutes
  • Risk Management Program for Corporate Leaders (RCL) by IOD
  • BEC World's Strategic Direction Workshop by DeOne Academy
  • Creating Team Synergy Workshop by DeOne Academy
  • Business Continuity Plans (BCP) Principles and Practices by BSI Training Academy
  • Strategic Thinking Workshop by MTP Solution
  • The Cyber Defense Initiative Conference CDIC 2023 by ACIS Professional Center Co., Ltd.

The Company's securities ownership (%)


Family Relationship

Working Experience
Jan 2023 - Present VP Information Technology, BEC World Plc.
2020 - 2022 AVP Information Technology, BEC World Plc.
2018 - 2020 Director of IT Operation & Infrastructure Department, BEC IT Solution Co., Ltd.

Position holding in other businesses or organizations in the past year

Listed Companies
2008 - 2018 Chief Technology Officer, Major CeniPlex Plc.
Non-Listed Companies
1999 - 2008 Vice President of IT Project, Tisco Information Technology Co., Ltd.
1994 - 1999 IT Team Lead/ System Analyst, A.P. National Sales Co., Ltd.