Mr. Prathan Rangsimaporn

Mr. Prathan Rangsimaporn

Member of Audit & Risk Committee,
Chairman of the Nomination and
Remuneration Committee
(Independent Director)


87 years

Being appointed as director on

23rd November 1995


  • M.A. Journalism, University of the Panjab, Pakistan, Under SEATO Scholarship
  • Bachelor of Journalism, Thammasat University
  • Bachelor of Social Science, Thammasat University

Training Program

Courses organized by The Thai Institute of Directors Association (IOD)
  • Certificate of Directors Accreditation Program (DAP)
  • Certificate of Audit Committee Program (ACP) 8/2005
  • Certificate of Board Nomination and Compensation Program (BNCP) 1/2017

The Company's securities ownership (%)


Family Relationship

Working Experience for the past five years (as of 31 st December 2020)
2017 - Present Chairman of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, BEC World Plc.
1999 - Present Member of the Audit Committee, BEC World Plc.
1995 - Present Independent Director, BEC World Plc.
1992 - 2008 Special Instructor of the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication, Thammasat University
1994 - 2001 The Dean of the Faculty of Communication Arts, Siam University
1993 Senior Public Relations Expert, Public Relations Department
1986 - 1988 Director Division of Radio and Broadcasting Committee and Director and Secretary, Public Relations Department

Position holding in other businesses or organizations in the past year

Listed Companies
  • None
Non-Listed Companies
  • None