18 November 1998


November 16,1998 To : The President Stock Exchange of Thailand Re : Updated Report on the Preparations for The Year 2000. Ref. : 1) Stock Exchanges Letter No.Bor Jor/Mor(Wor) 49/2541 2) Our First Report on the Preparations for The Year 2000 dated August 25, 1998. As it is time to update our report on the preparations for the year 2000 which was first submitted to you on August 25, 1998, according to your instructions under your letter No.Bor Jor/Mor(Wor)49/2541, We report that the preparations are proceeding well according to the plans and are within the budgeted expenditure limit as previously described in the aforementioned report. Since the costs involved in solving our Year 2000 problems were estimated at the level not more than Bath 10million thus this can be treated as an insignificant matter, according to clause 3 of SEC's announcement on this subject No.Sor Jor 34/2541, therefore it is understood that the Company does not have to submit any further report on this subject anymore. Please be informed accordingly. Yours sincerely, Chatchai Thiamtong Vice President - Finance