Mr. Matthew Kichodhan

Mr. Matthew Kichodhan

(Non-Executive Director)


54 years

Being appointed as director on

27th April 2007


  • Master of Science, (MSc. Management), Imperial College (Management School), University of London, England
  • Bachelor of Commerce, University of Toronto, Canada

Training Program

Courses organized by The Thai Institute of Directors Association (IOD) and other institutes
  • Certification, Canadian Stock Exchange Commission
  • Diploma of Directors Certification Program (DCP) # 95/2007
  • Certificate Directors Accreditation Program (DAP) # 57/2006

The Company's securities ownership (%)


Family Relationship

Working Experience for the past five years (as of 31 st December 2020)
2007 - Present Director, BEC World Plc.
2014 - Mar 2017 Director, Thai Solar Energy Plc.
2006 - Present Director, Wave Entertainment Plc.
2013 - Present Chairman, Chief of Executive Officer, Authorized Director, and Chairman of the Board of Investment, Wave Entertainment Plc.

Position holding in other businesses or organizations in the past year

Listed Companies
2017 - Present Independent Director, BBGI Plc. / Investment Business
Non-Listed Companies
  • None